Creating a service
- Create a SEGW Project
- Generate classes
- Implement the framework MPC method
- Implementing the framework DPC methods
- Customize your service
Create a SEGW Project
First of all we need to create a SEGW project. Transaction code: SEGW
Generate Classes
To start with our development we first need the SEGW transaction to generate the DPC and MPC classes.
You might want to change now the class names to match the system naming conventions.
After this we're done using the SEGW for developing reasons.
Implement the Framework MPC Method
First we open the "MPC_EXT" Class. We then want to redefine the "define" method.
Next we add the OData framework by calling the "define_mpc" method of the framework class (ZCL_ODATA_FW_CONTROLLER). Notice, that 'Z_MY_PROJECT' is the namespace, that we need to use in the framework view cluster.
METHOD define.
NEW zcl_odata_fw_controller( 'Z_MY_PROJECT'
i_model = model
i_anno_model = vocab_anno_model ).
CATCH zcx_odata INTO DATA(lo_error).
zcl_odata_utils=>raise_mpc_error( lo_error ).
Implementing the Framework DPC Methods
For the DPC methods to work with the framework we need to implement two things in the DPC_EXT class.
- Constructor
METHOD constructor.
super->constructor( ).
me->mt_data_providers = NEW #( me ).
NEW zcl_odata_fw_controller( 'Z_MY_PROJECT'
)->define_dpc( i_data_provider = me->mt_data_providers ).
CATCH zcx_odata INTO DATA(lo_error).
NEW zcl_odata_error_handler( me )->raise_exception_object( lo_error ).
- Data provider attribute
DATA: mt_data_providers TYPE REF TO zcl_odata_data_provider.
Boilerplate Coding for the OData Methods
For the boilerplate code, that has to be inserted into the OData methods you can copy the lines in the DPC boilerplate code file.
Customize Your Service
Implement your odata service customizing. By calling the ZODATA_CUST transaction. For a detailed documentation you can look into the OData Customizing file.